Frequently Asked Questions

Sometimes, Kebab Online already provides great value without the need for a coupon & Kebab prices are already discounted. From time to time we do make online specific coupons available. When available these coupons clearly communicate that they are online coupons. Please note not all online coupons are available for all stores.
We try our best to keep our address listings up to date, however some streets are listed in various formats, eg Mount/Mt making this hard to do. We also have a limited delivery area to ensure we deliver to our customers the freshest possible Kebab. If your address is not accepted you can call our technical support number on 1300 785 117.
It is not possible to paste into this box :( I am looking for a solution to schedule tourbusses and book seats :) Pls. advice
Yes. you can setup the complete Kebab as per you requirements. However later you will have to add, edit and delete items as per your requirements.
If you are register user of Kebabsw . , you can maintain order history of yours. You just have to login to user account and click on My orders to view full order details and history.
Yes. you can add kebab images as well as you can configure the website CMS.
Yes. We have promocode management there you can create discount codes for your customer.

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